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Pain-Free Horse Riding by Nikki Robinson

Pain-Free Horse Riding by Nikki Robinson

£15.00 Regular Price
£3.75Sale Price

An Illustrated Guide to Prevention, Self-Care, and Injury Management for Riders of All Abilities


Pain-Free Horse Riding is the first book I have come across that combines exercises for all levels of ability of horse rider to increase strength and flexibility and looks into why riders have pain and tension, how these problems can affect both their horse and their riding and how to relieve it. 


The book is written in a very accessible format, allowing the reader to complete it cover to cover, or to dip in and out of different chapters. Pain-Free Horse Riding is relevant to both those already suffering from pain while riding and also to those who are not as it provides readers with the resources and information to prevent pain occurring in the first place.


The Author, Nikki Robinson is an experienced horse owner, rider and physiotherapist.

She qualified as a physiotherapist from the Queen Elizabeth School of Physiotherapy, Birmingham in 1993 and founded her award-winning Myofascial Release practice, Holisticare, in 2006.

The book came about because Nikki met and treated so many riders who were living with pain and yet were regularly spending a lot of money getting their horses’ backs treated.

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